Lionel Zetter

Senior Counsel

Lionel Zetter is a communications specialist with more than forty years’ experience working in-house and with agencies. His main areas of expertise are public affairs and public diplomacy.
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He is a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations, and its former President. He is also a Fellow of the Public Relations and Communications Association, and a former Chairman of its Public Affairs Board, and of the Government Affairs Group. He has won multiple awards, including several ‘Lifetime Achievement’ and ‘Outstanding Contribution’ awards.

As well as working with a string of UK and international communications agencies, Lionel has worked within the UK government as a special adviser, policy adviser and Policy Fellow. He is currently Vice Chairman of the Enterprise Forum, Vice President of Public Affairs Asia, and an Advisory Council Member of Scottish Business UK - as well as Senior Counsel at Atticus Partners.

Lionel has been an association chairman, election agent, elected councillor and Parliamentary candidate. He has worked in the House of Commons and the House of Lords.

He is also author of ‘The Political Campaign Handbook, ‘Blueprint’, and ‘Lobbying – the Art of Political Persuasion’.
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